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Femme Supremacy with Dia Dynasty

the slow, enlightening and satisfying brainwash that is Femme Supremacy.... There’s nothing like having a divine being lead you into submission!



48 minutes



What you are going to learn

Femme supremacy is a philosophical approach.

We have to recalibrate and swing the pendulum to the other side so that we can actually find where the middle is, and where harmony can exist.
Throughout this course you will learn:

  • The scientific reasons femme supremacy came into being
  • The distinction between fantasy and reality in femme supremacy
  • You don't have to identify as femme all the time to engage in the philosophy of femme supremacy
  • The most underlying and important aspect is that it's nurturing. It's not for the ego
Wholistic Femdom Practitioner • Agent of Chaos • Shamanatrix • Femme Supremacist • Matriarch of @FemdomFarm
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